Level 3

this year's program is driving me crazy. When I put my cursor on a form on the left side of the screen and try to go to it, it jumps to all sorts of places, generally not the form I am trying to access. It takes up to 5 tries to get to a form. Basic forms are not bad, but when you have a whole list of assets and you want to get to one, it's darn near impossible.

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Level 15

I think the ProSeries developer (Orlando) posted that they know of the issue, and are working on it.

Intuit Alumni

Yes, my team is aware of the issue and are working on it... I'm sorry for the annoyance.  It seems exacerbated by high DPI settings or when there are lots of forms. We have a fix for sure for the "incorrect form displaying when clicking" issue - that will go live approximately on January 6th. We're still working on a fix for the annoying scroll behavior you sometimes get when you click in that thing (the underlying Microsoft technology has a mind of it's own).

Intuit Alumni

I think things are looking good now - hopefully it will work perfectly in the ~ Jan 6th release. If there are any other quirks please let us know. In order to keep ProSeries running for the foreseeable future, we have to rewrite things in newer, supported Microsoft Technology.  The Forms Bar under went that migration this past year.  We do our best to make sure changes are seamless, but can't replicate all the tens of thousands of different environments out there. We appreciate the patience and detailed reports.



Level 7

Orlando, your presentations skills (as to your posting above) are nothing short of outstanding!  Thanks for the correction in the program.

Level 11
Level 11

Hello.. I noticed this. .I have a return open, a 1065.. working on the 1065 and on the left side of the screen is the forms in use list.. if i am concentrating on the 1065 input I am not actually reading the forms in use but i can see the list vaguely, peripherally, maybe, whatever is the right word.. i notice the forms list, mostly because when i enter something in the 1065, I see some sort of jump, hiccup, reset on that forms in use bar.. does this make sense what I am trying to say?

View solution in original post

Level 3

Yes, that is exactly what is going on. It sounds as if they are aware of the problem

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Ken Daniel
Level 2

My first job out of college was to program an IBM 1130 in Fortran. I understand the problem, what I don't quite understand is why the releases have to wait long periods between fixes released, especially the severity of this problem and the interference caused by it on those who are under deadlines to get last minute year-end planning instructions to our clients. I paid nearly $7,000 for the software because I needed and wanted to use it and not have to wait for the schedulers scheduled time to get here. I got a fix out in 2 days last summer and it was very small/short fix perhaps 15 seconds to install. Please do what you can to speed up the process. Thank You! 

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Intuit Alumni

That's not an unreasonable expectation these days, but for Windows applications targeting a variety of Windows Operating Systems it is not trivial, especially for such a complicated product. We're moving that direction, but it'll take time, careful planning, and tradeoffs. 

In the meantime, as issues are identified they are triaged and business folks make ROI type decisions in regards to whether something is released as a hotfix out of the already planned release cycle. That's where constructive feedback and engagement in the community, to communicate impact, is often helpful. In this case, we became aware of the issue just a couple of days ago. We solved it yesterday, and need to test it over the next few days on various environments and setups. We could get it out before Jan 6th, but the tradeoff would probably be delaying that release.. which contains dozens of other fixes and features. But again, that's a business decision spread across multiple people, not just me - hence why I usually give an approximate date.