Level 7

A client file I started a couple weeks ago has disappeared.  I've searched through the directory using "restore" but it's no where to be found?  How does that happen?  Anyway I 

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

When in home base view, click on HomeBase, and scroll down to data base maintenance, and see if that helps

Level 15
Level 15

Im not trying to be snarky, and Ive done this myself on more than one occasion...is it possible that when you closed the file you hit NO on the option to Save instead of hitting YES?

Do you remember the file name? Can you use Windows File Explorer to search the entire computer for that file name?

Level 11
Level 11

Quick answer...……………….  Gremlins.

Otherwise, you may have inadvertently deleted the client name...  search on the social sec no or just look for a client with a missing or incorrect name.

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15
Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now-  Just a FYI, when you exit a client file it doesn't matter if you answer yes or no on the save question. That question only works if you start a new client, and this is the first time you have exited that client. for other clients that you have opened and exited  more then once it does not delete the client.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
well, they said they started a client, maybe it was a new client that didnt get named/saved? If it was given a file name they should be able to find some version of it somewhere.

Level 7

Thank you everyone for the responses.  Unfortunately, I posted a different question which I don't think ever went through.  This was an old post no longer relevant.......  Not sure what happened but the post that was intended for this community was regarding ProSeries Basic 2020 which will not install on my computer.  No problem with Professional PS 2020.

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