Level 1

How do you resolve error code "vcredist_x86.exe returned error code 1618"?

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

That error is something about another process is installing. Try shutting down (not restart) then boot up and try again. If that doesn't work you will probably have to call support. 

Level 15
Level 15

Its a Windows system file that relates to Visual C++ 


Intuit Alumni

I'm sorry you ran into this issue. ProSeries is attempting to update a Microsoft Library it depends on (Visual C++ runtime). Allegedly that 1618 indicates another installation is in progress (other than ProSeries... we use a different installation technology that shouldn't interfere with Microsoft).

Could you restart your machine, download and run the Visual C++ Installer directly? 



If that works, then try the ProSeries installer.

If that doesn't work, reply here and we'll try something else.

Again, sorry you've run into this problem.



Level 2

I am having same issue.  I've cleared cache and cookies, downloads, shutdown and restart.  Please let me know if anyone finds the fix for this issue.

0 Cheers
Level 1

How do you resolve error code "vcredist_x86.exe returned error code 1618"?

0 Cheers
Level 1


I am having the same problem vcredist_x86 returned error code (different numbers each time I try to install).

Intuit tech support was not able top help me resolve this issue.

Can anyone help me with this install problem on Basic and Professional ?

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