Level 4

ENHANCEMENT REQUEST. PROGRAMING ERROR. When the option to print Supporting Statements is selected, they should print in the routine. They don't. Please fix this programing error.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

@hedgeslaw  Just so you are aware, this is just a community board for users of Intuit software to help one another. If you are having problems with software bugs you need to contact support.

0 Cheers
Level 4

Terry53029. Please tell me how to contact support. When I try to enter an Enhancement Request from ProSeries "HELP" menu, this is when I end up. In the past, I would be directed to support. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

I responded to your issue, @hedgeslaw in your other topic where you asked for Enhancement tools, and I pointed you to the enhancement section of this forum and I explained how it works so that you can not post a Topic, but an Idea that will be noticed, voted on, and perhaps Implemented by Intuit.


It's item 3, here:


And your topic is here:


You simply navigated incorrectly on your previous try.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers