Level 1

tried to file a 2019 return yesterday got rejected twice.  How can I get these returns filled soonest

0 Cheers
Nick CPA
Level 1

Had same issue trying to e-file a 2019 return (10/18 3:30pm EST) -- Intuit needs to have this re-opened immediately!

Note: was able to e-file a 2017 return & 2018 return at 3pm EST today (10/18).


0 Cheers
Level 15

"Intuit needs to have this re-opened immediately!"

It was due to IRS maintenance, though, based on the IRS website.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 3

I am having the same issue with Ohio return that was rejected -- tried to resend and it indicates product is not available?????

0 Cheers
Level 15


You were sending on the 17th?

Man, I am loving this bookmark:



"At this point the 2019 Ohio State Income Tax Return forms for Tax Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2019) can be e-Filed together with the IRS Income Tax Return until October 15, 2020. If you owe IRS or Ohio taxes and you did file an extension, do not miss this deadline in order to avoid late filing penalties. If you have not filed any of your 2019 tax returns, you can e-File them until Oct. 15, 2020."

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 3

Was submitted on October 15, rejected for an error - corrected and resent and now it bounced

0 Cheers
Level 15

Have you read this article:



Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 1

I had a CT tax return that got rejected and i tried to file the return and I could not file it. It said 10/18 would be the last date to file before maintenance.. WHAT IS GOING ON. 

0 Cheers
Level 9

Riddle me this...IRS gives 5 days to correct and refile a rejected return but PS shuts down the ability to efile before that deadline....what kind of good business practice is this? they wouldn't allow efiling on the 18th although PS said that was their deadline!


Level 15

"but PS shuts down the ability to efile before that deadline"


No one anywhere stated that PS shut down the ability to efile. Don't start rumors.

System issues and maintenance issues and "conversion" that isn't anything to do with efile, is not "PS shut down" efiling. No need to rile up the masses when that isn't happening. This is Peer Users. Play nice.


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
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