Level 1

Individual has no Income, he is 61 years old lives with his mother.  Neither are required to file a tax return.  Mother received her Stimulus check because she is on Social Security, he has not.  They do not have a computer or email so can't use the IRS site because it requires email address.  Seen where some tax software have added a box so you can file an EIP 1040 Return.  Does ProSeries have this, couldn't find any information anywhere.  Is his only option to wait till 2021 to file a zero $ tax return?

0 Cheers
Level 15

"They do not have a computer or email so can't use the IRS site because it requires email address."

Aren't you willing to file for them, though? File for $1 false income, here:


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

No, ProSeries does not have that option.  But the IRS has a website specifically for that and it is quite easy to create an email account (and I'm sure they know people who have a computer or smart phone to help them out).