Level 1

I have a new client that filed online with Drake Software in March.  She came to me and asked that I amend her return due to her being able to claim herself instead of being a dependent on her parents.  I filled out the 1040X and we mailed it in late March.  Having heard nothing about the refund, I was wondering if I could e-file the 1040X on ProSeries?


0 Cheers
Level 15

The IRS had like 800 bazillion pieces of mail stacking up back in March which they are slowly trying to get caught up with.  Patience.  But to the basic point of the question, at this time, ProSeries only allows e-filing of returns that were originally prepared with ProSeries.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

They could go back to the preparer that used Drake and they could Efile it.

Level 15


@debo2924 wrote:

 amend her return due to her being able to claim herself instead of being a dependent on her parents. 

Out of curiosity, what triggered her to get a refund?  Was she claiming college credits?

I hope you verified that her parents were not eligible to claim her.  There have been many young people trying to wrongly indicate their parents' can't claim them in order to fraudulently claim the $1200 Stimulus Check.


In direct answer to your question, Intuit has stupidly imposed a restriction on ProSeries that only allows you to e-file a return you have previously e-filed yourself.  

Level 15

Complete this sentence:  "Young person decides she should not be claimed as a dependent by her parents shorty after the CARES Act is signed, because  ................."

Level 15

@BobKamman  Who are you calling 'short' ???  🤣

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

The IRS specifically tells you to Stop Sending The Same Thing in, again. You already filed the amendment, so don't do it again unless you need to Amend that amendment.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

Sorry for getting the L out of there