Level 2

This is my first expat tax return (2019 tax return),

 I have a client who is a U.S citizen living abroad, he is employed by a non-U.S company, no W-2, but has a statement that shows his yearly salary. When I tried to efile , it says:

 “ not eligible for electronic filing”,  reason is : “all the following lines of form 1040 have zero value”:

Line 7b, line 8b, line 12b, line 13b, line16, line 19

On the form 1040 that I prepared:

Line 1 has his wage

Line 7a has the exclusion amount ( negative #)

Line 7b has zero

The way I prepared it , is it correct?, shall I do paper file?


Thank you

0 Cheers
Level 15

Paper file or add $1 interest income.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 2

Thank you

0 Cheers