Level 2

I know that I cannot e-file a fiscal year end 1040, but there is no place on the 2018 Form 1040 to indicate that the paper return being filed is a fiscal year end.  What to do?

0 Cheers
Level 13

I have never seen a fiscal 1040. Is it allowed?

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 15
Level 15

Ive never heard of a fiscal 1040 either...what kind of situation do you have @kennyship that you think this is required?

Level 2

They are still allowed.  This guy's had one for 30 years.  They have always been a real pain in the you know what.  In the past the, 2017 and prior, the Form 1040 had a place at the top to insert the fiscal year end.  Not any more.  IRS 1040 instruction say to type that info at the top of the new 1040 or 1040-SR.  Thanks for the input.

Level 15

I believe it is allowed if you elect on your first tax return.

I have seen one in my career.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15
Level 15
There isnt a place to type anything in at the top of the 1040 anymore that I can see (I thought we used to be able to click in a blank area at the top of the form and type in that box)....its going to have to be paper filed anyhow, so I guess writing it in by hand will have to suffice.

Level 15

This is what I love about this forum.  I learned something new today.  Thanks @kennyship .

I've prepared taxes for 30+ years.  Never encountered a fiscal year end.

Level 9

I did one about 40 years ago for a lady whose deceased husband had been a farmer and chosen a fiscal year with the first return he filed so she had filed her first return as a fiscal year.

0 Cheers
Level 4

I have only one as well.  In previous years, I "override" the dates at the top of the form.  This year since it has to be paper filed and that option was not available, I printed and wrote in red sharpie "fiscal year taxpayer and the dates".  Unfortunately they receive notice every year on their payments and must call the IRS every year to "remind" them they are fiscal year taxpayers so I also recommend getting a POA in conjunction with filing as you will most likely need it and possibly adjust your fees accordingly.