Level 15

Is eating horse meat a real thing?

I just saw an interesting line in the Minnesota Sales Tax law:

Farm machinery does not include: ... machinery, equipment, implements, accessories, and contrivances used directly in the production of horses not raised for slaughter, fur-bearing animals, or research animals.


That seems to imply that in other cases horses ARE raised for slaughter. 

Anyways, I just thought that was interesting.

Level 15

PLEASE, Bill.....  I *was* trying to have my breakfast.  😆

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15
Level 15

Thanks George, but personally I would prefer feeding the wild horses and if they really need to keep the slaughter houses busy, they could always send a few politicians there.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15
Its a real thing, more popular in other countries though.

Level 15

Realistically, I think it is funny why most people in this country are against eating horse meat, but have no problem eating a cow or a pig.  From my viewpoint, there really shouldn't be a difference.

Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

if they really need to keep the slaughter houses busy, they could always send a few politicians there.

I would be fine with sending them all there.   😁