Level 2

CLIENT IS THE PARTNER WHO RECEIVED A K-1 FROM HIS PARTNERSHIP and I have to put the info into his 1040 for Federal, NY and CA.  The NY IT-204-IP has him as a 77.7777 % and Tech Support couldn't help find the answer.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

There's nowhere on the federal K-1 entry worksheet to put the % of ownership, what is it you need help with?   

Level 2

I filled out 2 IRS info sheets. Can I attach it to this email so you can see what I received from the customer? I have his 1065 K-1 and also the NY IT-201-IP that has the percentages and 2 columns of info that needs to be entered because the NY amount is different than the Federal

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Its common to get a state K-1 along with the federal one, Im not very familiar with NY, do they have their own K-1 worksheet built into the program like CA does?

You didnt mention which state your client is a resident of, there is a Non resident state worksheet that can be filled out at the bottom of the federal information worksheet to allocate items to non resident states.

Level 15


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