Level 4

If you update, the form is FINALLY available.

FYI Whoot

That sucks.  What else is everyone going to b*tch about now?

Level 15

We could always bring back the old classic discussions on form 5227 ———— just so nobody gets bored here.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

3800 and CT

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 3

Have you started using the form 172?  The carryover wks for 2024 totals prior year and current year losses.  If you click on the 2024 line 14a, it takes you to form 172 field above line 1.  It says enter regular tax NOL to transfer to next year (if not line 25 less line 24).  I don't see a line 25 on form 172.

What am I missing?

0 Cheers