Level 9

W-2 MO & IN.jpgHi to all.

My client has a W-2 from IN (job location) with two states tax withhold, IN and MO where she lived in 2024. For the IN state boxes, I see the full amount in box 16 like box 1 of her W-2, and she paid state tax to IN as well. However, for MO's part there is nothing in box 16 (State wages, tips, etc.), even though she paid tax to MO. Now I have a red diagnostic for this box.

May I have your help, thanks a lot.

0 Cheers
Level 9

Any help please!

0 Cheers
Level 15

What does the instructions say for Missouri when income is earned from another state?   If Missouri taxes those wages then wouldn't the MO amount for Box 16 be the same as the IN amount for Box 16 

 Missouri and Indiana are not reciprocal states.   

Level 9

Thanks@dkh. You’re right, but if there is no amount in Box 16 on the W-2, is it okay to voluntarily enter that number in ProSeries?

0 Cheers
Level 15


The more I know the more I don’t know.