Level 15

Estimates apparently not ready until 02/13/2025. This is a relatively simple form.

Level 15

Luckily they are simple forms.  If the forms were complicated they wouldn’t be ready until April 15th😜

Slava Ukraini!

View solution in original post

Level 15

@IRonMaN 👍The good news is that most people who pay estimates usually do not have all of their data too early.

Level 15

I don't think it's available from IRS either.  They don't like to confuse people who might use it for a 2024 payment instead.

Sometimes a second thought should be given to the knee-jerk reaction of blaming Intuit for everything.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Come on now Bob. I have never heard of someone using a current year estimate to pay prior year tax.

Level 15

It isn’t a knee jerk reaction. Whether it is the IRS or Intuit or both, it still isn’t a complicated form to update.  I don’t believe either of us mentioned Intuit.  You probably shouldn’t make knee-jerk reactions about criticizing folks here.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

@PATAX wrote:

Come on now Bob. I have never heard of someone using a current year estimate to pay prior year tax.

Ive had people send the CA ES to IRS and the 1040ES to CA  people do stupid crap every day.

Level 15

@PATAX wrote:

Come on now Bob. I have never heard of someone using a current year estimate to pay prior year tax.

See?  Keeping it out of circulation until it's needed is working.

Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now- come on now Lisa. We're talking about different years for the same form. You're talking apples and oranges.

Level 15

I have to hand it to you Bob, you always have a good comeback.

Level 15
Level 15

I still struggle to get people to understand that the 4th qtr ES in January is for the prior year, not the year its paid in.

Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now- yeah they need to change the 4th quarter estimate date to December 31st. And change the other three quarter estimates to the last day at the end of the quarter

Level 15

Like, you're supposed to close the books on December 31 just so you can make a payment that date?  Particularly difficult for people who own mutual funds with capital gain distributions in late December.  Or those who visit family between Christmas and New Years Day.  Another jerking knee.  Meanwhile, 

Senator Mike Crapo, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Senator Ron Wyden, the committee’s ranking member, jointly released a discussion draft of a broad and sweeping bill titled the Taxpayer Assistance and Service, or “TAS,” Act. The draft bill runs 163 pages and contains 68 provisions – about 40 of which reflect National Taxpayer Advocate recommendations.

One of those provisions:

Sec. 903. Quarterly Installments for Estimated Income Tax Payments by Individuals.
Estimated tax installment payments for individual taxpayers are called “quarterly payments,” but they are due at three-month, two-month, three-month, and four-month intervals (April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15). This is confusing to taxpayers. The provision would revise the estimated tax payment deadlines so they fall at even quarterly intervals (April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15). It is effective for installments due in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment. 

Level 15

I think quarterly estimates did work that way once upon a long time ago.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

@BobKamman  many people with mutual funds don't have the information by January 15th either. In fact many do not know what their total investment income is until they get the 1099 forms which is usually well after January 15th.

Level 15
Level 15

I had a client last year that sent her 2023 1040V and her 1st 2024 1040ES vouchers along with a single check for the total of them both....both got applied to 2024 as estimates (I guess that was the address she chose to mail them to), we figured it out when they sent her a bill with penalty and interest for the 2023 balance due.  

Level 15

@sjrcpa we have to contact Brother Cooley to find that answer. He co-authored the modern income tax system laws and codes when it reemerged in the early 1900s.

Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now- there is a very low probability that your clients surname is Einstein, Tesla, or Edison.😉

Level 15

Their December statement is mailed by the first week in January.  Of course many can find the information online earlier, but why make them pay tax on money they might not yet have received?  

0 Cheers
Level 10
Level 10

Had the same frigging thing happen.  we still do not have cleared up.  nightmare!

If an answer solves your issue, click on the "Accept as Solution" button! Makes it easier for people to find answers to similar questions that have already been posted.
Level 3

Yeah, lets dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator.  You can't fix stupid.  Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Paper copies of the 2025 Form 1040-ES have just been posted to IRS web site, if you are it that much of a rush.  If u already filed like me the 1040-ES will say do not file but IRS will still accept your return. First payment not due until April, so what the rush.

TurboTax has to incorporate forms to make sure they will work for every filer type. You can go back into the software sometime soon and update the Forms.

0 Cheers
Level 1

The 2025 hard copies just released does not change the due dates.  Still April, June, September, January

0 Cheers
Level 15

Per colleague and friend who uses Drake software: estimates are fine and do not print "do not file" on it.

Level 15


"The 2025 hard copies just released does not change the due dates.  Still April, June, September, January"

What makes you think this is incorrect?

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15


Hi there,

You’ve come to an Intuit site supporting tax professionals, and you may be looking for support as an individual taxpayer. Please visit the TurboTax Help site for support.



HumanKind... Be Both
Level 1

You may be experts but my TurboTax software sent me here and while here I knew the answer to the 1040 ES maybe I should not share that info

someone even said that the 1040ES does not print with Do not file.  Well since it is not up to date in software the ES for 2025 does say do not file.  I have the print out since I filled on Jan 31.  

IRS still accepted the return since they know as of Jan 31 those forms not ready. 

maybe after 25 plus years I need to use other software maybe there experts will appreciate some info rather than telling me to go away

0 Cheers
Level 15

Thanks for stopping in!  Thankfully, since none of us work for Intuit, we won't be affected financially when Intuit takes that major financial hit when you go elsewhere next year.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

THIS forum is for tax professionals, even tho Intuit refuses to lock the door here and let's DIYers in.  

You aren't one (tax pro), if you are using TurdohhTax.

Buh bye

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 1

I know I am not a tax pro, so closing my account, because dealing with you enjoying putting down lower class people like me shows me why I will send info to Intuit CEO Sasan Goodarzi a message that only so called smart people are allowed to get help here.

Bye to all of you level 15 that enjoy antagonizing peons

0 Cheers
Level 15

@CordellMB wrote:

The 2025 hard copies just released does not change the due dates.  Still April, June, September, January

Yes, this is definitely not the place to ask volunteers for help if your subject does not agree with your verb.

Level 15

YOU said you were lower class...

You may be , you may not be.

BUT you aren't a tax pro.



HumanKind... Be Both
Level 1

Is the 1040-ES ready yet in Proseries? 

0 Cheers
Level 15


Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

ProSeries should change due date for payment 3 to 9/15 (National Double Cheeseburger Day).

0 Cheers
Level 1

Just talked with support today (02/18/25) and was informed that the 1040-ES would be ready by Thursday or Friday of this week.   Fingers crossed  

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 1

Great thank you.   I was looking for that in Pro. I knew they hid it somewhere.   When you have a question only once every couple of years its hard to remember where they keep the secret button.   For this season I will hold on to that link you included.   Appreciate it.   

Level 15

You betcha!

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 5

Does anybody at Proseries know what day it is? 2/13 is long gone.

Get that 8 eight year old intern on this and post the update!

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

They pulled  Charlie Brown football move and moved that date to the "should" be in todays update.  I havent updated yet, so Im not sure if theyre actually ready.

0 Cheers
Level 5

My clients, who are tax involved, want their returns completed and estimates prepared now.

Did they get rid of too many programmers to pay that IRS fine?


0 Cheers
Level 5

Simple forms that could have been created during the slack time.

0 Cheers
Level 5

If you use the Indian Calander.

0 Cheers
Level 5

Maybe if the outsourced this form to Bangladesh...

No, wait, they already have!

0 Cheers
Level 15

IRS wanted to delay release of these forms as much as possible, although they did make them available online a week or so ago.  As I have noted earlier, it's to prevent people from using a 2025 form to make their final 2024 payment.  Also, IRS doesn't want pieces of paper mailed to them anyway.  If someone is "tax involved," IRS wants them to be "computer involved" also.  

0 Cheers
Level 5

That is if we care what IRS wants.

0 Cheers