Level 11

We all know (believe) IRS ignores this item since you can put in wrong information and it never gets flagged. My question is - is there a way (I don't think so) to get a list of whose licenses have expired, or a listing of taxpayer and spouse info so I can pick out the expired ones? This is always a hassle with clients. It's not in HomeBase Column Headings and I couldn't find anything in Query on this.

Level 15

I quit using the drivers license info after the first year or so that ProSeries added it.  I assume you are using it to help with the state side of things.  But with that said, since it is worthless information for most folks, I don't believe Intuit has provided any easy way to bulk review your clients like you were hoping for.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5

This is insightful.  So, you mark the box not provided? 


0 Cheers
Level 15

I agree with Jeff - if the State doesn't require it, why are you entering it?  Just check delete the information and check the box.

If your state does require it, I'm not aware of a way to have the program pick out expired dates.  If your clients come back year after year, you could create your own spreadsheet that has them sorted by expiration years.

Level 15

"This is insightful.  So, you mark the box not provided?  



"If your state does require it"

Since I don't do Maryland, I don't know if they require it, but it sounds like they encourage it.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

I take them down, its kind of fun to see peoples expression when I say  "Your license expired last year, you got it renewed, right?"  and they scramble to make sure they did!  

Level 11

I only enter the DL info for NY & AL since they require it and the data does not carryover to the next tax year, so I do request new info form thoes folks each year.

Level 13

VA doesn't require it so I ignored it when they starting putting the fields on the form.  Then clients with >$1K refunds were getting identity verification letters from Richmond so I started using it.  <shrug>  It prints (partially masked) on the Drake Tax Organizers, once in a while the clients update it there but usually I have to ask.  I leave it marked as estimated until I'm done with the return and ask then.  Even if it's not expired yet, if the exp date is within a couple months of completing the return I'll ask in case they renewed early.