Level 8

Good morning.  I previously posted about preparing a 2023 1040x for a new client.  I did not prepare or file their original 2023 1040.  I prepared the amended return and I am now trying to determine if I can efile it?  I reviewed this article:

Amending an individual return (1040X) in ProSeries

But I am receiving error messages when trying to prepare the efile.  specifically, I'm being alerted that I cannot file an amended return if the original return was not efiled.  I did check the box indicating the original return was successfully efiled.  

I would appreciate any thoughts.  Thank you. 

0 Cheers
Level 8

I find this works when I amend a return I did not do originally. (as a side note I charge a full return fee not my amended fee as you are actually doing 2 returns) I do the original return and save the file. Then I make a copy and save it with usually original behind the file name. (this also helps if you really mess up the amended and want to start over when it just won't populate the original column on the 1040x). 

Then in the first file make sure select efile (fed and state if needed) and the box that says original return was efiled. 

That usually works fine then. If you have the original efiled box checked then maybe you didn't select efile?


Level 8

Thank you for the reply, ljr.  I did everything you mentioned, except select "efile" in the original return.  I guess I have to now go back, delete the amended return, click the efile box in the original, create a new file, and then recreate the amended off of the new file.  There is not that many steps in creating the amended, so that shouldn't take much time.  

I will try to click the efile in the original first, to see if that works.  

Level 15

I have had mixed luck with the whole experience.  I haven't done a lot of those but I know that sometimes e-filing a 1040X for a return that I didn't prepare works fine and sometimes not so fine.  I think it is one of those little hidden quirks in ProSeries -------------- sometimes it likes you and sometimes it don't.

Slava Ukraini!