Level 7

For the Suggestion Box:  

I'm sure it's not high on the priority list yet but.......the above forms are becoming extremely popular with larger partnerships with lots of partners.  Is there any chance that Intuit can embed a Form 8978 and 8978-A into a few of the prior year's tax software packages to provide for an automated recalculation of that year's tax liability?  The tax recalculation might be kind of like a Form 1040-X worksheet but enough to provide (i) the Form 8978, (ii) 8978-A and (iii) 1040-X worksheet all in PDF format for submission with a current or future year tax return.  A little bit like the old "Tax Benefit Rule" recalc worksheets in the pre-2018 returns.  [I'm not asking for sequential amendment capability (yet) but it wouldn't surprise me if those were forthcoming.]  Thanks.