Level 2

I have had two or three clients reach out to me because their 2023 tax due did not come out of their bank account yet.  One of them pays through electronic withdrawal each year and we've never had this issue.  Has anyone else had this issue or is there a delay with the IRS processing these payments?  

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

were they scheduled for the auto debit on the same day the return was EFiled?   Ive had it happen that if you Efile late in the day and have that same day set for the debit date, it doesnt always pick it up.  

Level 11
Level 11
  • Mailed in - yes, can be delays
  • EFTs through the software - Yes, but not normally than a couple of days. 
Level 2

Thanks, Lisa!  One of them was efiled on 3/15, the payment was set up to come out on 4/15.  The other was efiled on 4/4 and the payment was set up to come out on 4/12.  I've never had this issue before and am unsure of the best way to follow up with these.

Level 15
Level 15

Intuit just forwards the banking info to the tax agency, if you verified the routing and account number (make sure the routing isnt from a deposit slip and isnt for wire transfers), then the problem is between IRS and the bank.

Level 2

Okay, thanks for your help!

Level 15

You do advise clients, don't you, that past performance is no guarantee of future results?

I try to remain neutral on this issue.  I don't help clients pay their taxes, I just prepare their returns.  But if other people want to add that service, I just hope they charge for it, and follow the Musk-RFKJr rules.  Just because self-driving works most of the time, always keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.  Just because vaccines prevent millions of deaths, always make sure your own estate plan is up to date.   

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