Level 2





I had a client come to me for their 2023 tax return. The prior preparer was very late on doing the 2022 return. The preparer had efiled the 2022 return on 3-8-24. While looking over the 2022 return the preparer did not include the purchase of an asset. So I prepared the 2022 amended return and e-filed it on the 22nd of Mar. The return was rejected as an original was not filed. After further research the prior preparer had the original return rejected and refiled and accepted on the 25th. Now I need to file the amended return. I have marked that the original was filed but nothing I do is letting me file the amended. HELP!!

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

Paper File the 1040x   I believe the 1040x is dependent on PS already having filed the 1040.   You might try disabling the error checking when transmitting but it will likely be easier if you just paper file.

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15
Level 15

This is a known programming issue thats been around for years now and they cant seem to fix it. 

Once an amended return is rejected, theres just no way to get it to be recognized as an amended return again.  You'll have to paper file it. 

I hassled with one for 2 weeks last year and finally gave up, other that completely re-doing the return as a new file, it just wouldnt work.

Level 15
Level 15

Efiled and paper filed 1040X are processed manually, so the only time youre saving by Efiling is the mailing/sorting time, the processing time will still be 3 to 6 months.

Level 15

Your clients' names are visible in your post.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Uggh. I was trying not to do that. I have fixed it, I hope. Thank you so much for letting me know.

Level 15

You're welcome

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