Level 2

Here is my predicament:

Divorced taxpayer has a pre-teen son, who lives with her and is properly taken as a dependent on the 1040.  Taxpayer gets her insurance through the Exchange, and received a Form 1095-A listing only herself as a covered individual.  Son is covered elsewhere for insurance.

Because of an increase in pay and extra hours worked, taxpayer needs to repay the Premium Credit given to her.  On line 1 of Form 8962, ProSeries lists the family size as "2", even though only 1 individual is covered through the Exchange.  Because of this, the Repayment amount is listed as $3,000, instead of the $1,500 repayment limit.  (Taxpayer is below 401% of poverty level.)

I called the IRS about this and they agreed that the repayment amount should be $1,500 instead of $3,000, since only one household member is on the Exchange.  (Yes, I was VERY surprised to reach a person at the IRS on the phone, and that they were able to give a complete answer!!)

What do I need to do to get Form 8962 to calculate the penalty for only one individual and not 2??

Thanks for your assistance


Michael Gilligan


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

The family size is how many people are listed on the tax return, not how many people are covered.  

Level 15
Level 15

When you filled out the 1095A did you list only the tax payer as covered?

0 Cheers
Level 2

How do I get the program to calculate the Repayment Credit on only the one individual covered under the plan?  It is currently calculating the Credit at $3,000 (for 2 people) instead of $1,500 for one person.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Yes.  There is no mention of the son on the 1095-A .

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

@TaxGuyBill  can probably help here the most.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

The Family Size is two.  That is the number of people on the tax return.  In most cases, that INCREASES the credit and/or REDUCES the repayment.

That has nothing to do with the repayment limit.  The repayment limit is based on Filing Status.  If the taxpayer is filing as "Single", the limit is $1500.  If it is anything else (for example, Head of Household), the limit is $3000.