Level 2

I have a client who received a W2-G for lottery winnings of $1000.  I completed the form and when I did the Federal final review, I received 4 errors.  The first error stated "both foreign and domestic address elements are present.  Please check all winner address fields for accuracy" I checked everything and found no problems.  I called support and they were not able to figure it out.  They just told me how to override the errors in order to file the return.


Has anyone else come across this problem?

Thank you



Level 2

I posted about this as well.  Coyote55 gave the solution to enter the information on Payer 2 and leave Payer 1 blank.  It worked!!

View solution in original post

Level 3

Excellent!  Thank you!

Level 1

Yes.  I have a client who has just 1 w2g and after filling out the worksheet I received the same error message.  How did you override?  

Level 3

Use the payer 2 column and remove the information from payer one and the error goes away.

Level 1

Yes, that seems to be the fix.  Lets hope IRS doesn't start looking for the another w2g.


Level 15

I experienced this error (four error messages) this morning. Could not correct it. I efiled return with disabled error checking. Return transmitted successfully and was accepted by IRS in approximately 10 minutes. Intuit needs to fix this glitch asap.

Community Manager
Community Manager

2023 IND W-2G Error for Both Foreign and US address has been reported and we are currently researching for more information. Thanks for the reports and alternatives for the time being

Level 2

How do you override the error checking?

0 Cheers
Level 3

You have to efile from the EF center not from inside the individual return.  When selecting efile now the electronic filing options screen shows up.  At the bottom is a box enable conversion error checking.  Uncheck this box and returns can be filed with error warnings.

Emily B
Level 1

Yes, I have had this with 3 clients today. One I had already filed the return w/ no errors on tuesday and today when I went to print the return it all of a sudden had those errors

Level 15

@Lisajammi Lisa here is how I do this. I go into the e-file module and select the client to e-file. There will be a screen that has a little box checked and it states enable error checking. I uncheck that box, and then I transmit the returns that have this issue.

Level 2

I'm on ProSeries Pro and have been following the instructions but it keeps going in circles and won't let me file! Ugh!!!

0 Cheers
Level 2

Thank you very much!

Level 2

Ok it finally decided to transmit. We'll see if it actually gets accepted!!

Level 15

@Lisajammi If it doesn't get accepted, then I will buy you lunch. If it does get accepted, you can send my GSD Heidi 🐕 some Blue Buffalo Health Bar Biscuits.😉

0 Cheers
Level 2

Uggghh!  Ok you owe ME lunch!  Rejected by the IRS. Time to do some head banging!!

Level 15

Wow I can't believe that didn't get accepted. I have Pro Series professional like you. I'm looking at the screen now and here's what I did. In the home base View go to EF Center. Highlight the federal and state return for the client only that you want to efile. Then select e-file at top. Go down to electronic filing convert transmit returns extensions. When you do this a box will pop up saying electronic filing options. Down at the bottom uncheck the box that says enable conversion error checking. Then fill in the little circle that says convert and transmit selected return. Then hit okay and that should work unless the rocket scientists at Intuit change something again since this morning when I e-filed.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thank you.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Same Issue here but I have multiple W2gs. Each first entry has the problem after I have entered the 36 W2s. 

the solution provided is a patch work which does not solve the software issue.


I have to remove 12 w2gs information and input them again.



0 Cheers
Level 1

Had the same problem. Could not fix, so I sent without error checking.

0 Cheers
Kim E
Level 1

I am receiving the same messages.  I went back to clients that have already electronically filed their return and the message appeared there as well

0 Cheers
Level 3

I have the same problem.  Is there a work-around?

0 Cheers
Level 1

I was recommended to skip the first column Player 1 and enter Player 2 instead. And it's work!

0 Cheers
Level 1

Yes I am having the same issue


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