Level 2

Is anyone else having issues with the copy feature on the entry of 1095-A information? 

0 Cheers
Level 15

I just did, but I have so few of those and this was the first one this year, so I figured I needed practice.   

Level 15
Level 15

Click on the Copy button next to the month you just entered the numbers for, not the Copy box for the month under it.

If you fill in January, click the Copy box on the January line, the rest of the lines will fill in.

Level 2

Yes the copy feature does not work. You either have to press copy on January and it populates all the numbers, but a lot of times the months change during the year so, sometimes only on the 3rd field and you can no longer adjust it halfway like last year, you just have to type it in.

No, it works fine.  There is another thread on this.  It just works differently this year.  It is a great enhancement if nothing changed for all twelve months.  It is an awful change if you have any months with different amounts.

Level 15

The one I was working on had nothing but zeros until August.  I just filled them in manually for the last five months.  It wouldn't let me enter zeros for January, but I think that's because I hadn't entered the start and termination dates at the top.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

@d-erese wrote:

Yes the copy feature does not work. You either have to press copy on January and it populates all the numbers, but a lot of times the months change during the year so, sometimes only on the 3rd field and you can no longer adjust it halfway like last year, you just have to type it in.


Enter January.  Click the January box.

Write over the numbers for the month it changed (for example, March).  Click the March box.
