Level 11

On this last day of February - individuals at 39.33% in. 60% to go just on individuals doesn't make for a fun few upcoming weeks.  Some is due to the investment houses being slow, others are it's just become the new normal.  Where are you at?

Level 15

I'm also at 39% for individuals.  I happened to look last night and I am three in the door ahead of last year so they are coming in at a pace pretty much equal to last year.  Every year as April gets closer I wonder how in the world I am going to get all of those returns out the door but somehow it happens.  It must be the "Jim" in us that gets us across the finish line.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I feel it's become the new normal.    

Two clients I haven't seen since doing the 2021 return have come in this year with 2022 and 2023.  Each client had the same explanation.....was busy, didn't have time, blah blah blah


Level 15

@dascpa wrote:

On this last day of February - individuals at 39.33% in. 60% to go just on individuals doesn't make for a fun few upcoming weeks. 



From just a percentage viewpoint, that seems to be on track or slightly ahead of the game.

I don't know about you, but I don't get much before February, so my "tax season" is roughly from February 3rd to April 14th, or about 10 weeks.  We are about 4 weeks in, so 40% would be on track.

I get a few in January, but I probably have more that have extensions.  For me, from a percentage viewpoint 40% would be slightly ahead of the game.

With that being said, the early returns tend to be shorter, easier returns than returns in the mid-to-late season so the later part of the season could be more work due to the longer, more difficult returns.


Level 3

I am at 49% so I feel lucky.  Just wish Proseries would get their software issues fixed because they are making it tough.

Level 15

Like taxguybill I don't usually have any come in until first week of February. It was slower than normal at first, but now it has picked up much more.