Level 4

primary tp dies 2023, surviving spouse needs to file pa.   PA now allows filing a joint return but i read it that surviving spouse must be listed as primary taxpayer.  Does this mean i need to create a separate pro series file and switch everything around for pa?


seems like there should be a check the box to switch but im not seeing any

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Level 11
Level 11

The  PA 40 instructions sure sounds like you're correct....      -  Not likely that PS has the ability 'flip' the primary TP and Spouse....  @PATAX would know...   


Side note -- if any estimates were filed under 'Deceased' primary TP  SSN you have to file a form w/ PA to have them applied to the Sp SSN or you'll have a mess.... 

PA40 Instructions.

If a joint return is filed and the taxpayer, spouse or both are
deceased, complete the married filing joint oval, the deceased oval
and the spouse and/or taxpayer ovals as well as the date(s) of death.
The surviving spouse should complete the name and Social Security
number section of the return as the primary taxpayer on the return.

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

I use the same file as before for both Federal and Pa. I make the surviving taxpayer the primary taxpayer, and the deceased taxpayer is the spouse, for both Federal and Pa. Then I make sure right social security number is used for each, I think software will prompt you if social security numbers dont match, like on 1099r worksheets, and then you just match this up. It has worked for me, but you do what you want to. 

View solution in original post

Level 4

THanks.   sounds like a workable solution.

Level 15

You're welcome.

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