Level 3

Is anyone else having issues accessing Pennsylvania S-corps or Partnerships in ProSeries? Products have been downloaded, updates installed, but don't see the Pennsylvania link available when trying to jump to the state return.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Normally when something like that happens, it means the forms aren’t available yet.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

That's what I thought as well....but when I did a search of forms under proseries, I see the watermark forms were removed January 4 and the 2023 forms are in fact available for download (for anyone crazy enough to fill out by "hand") on PA's website, hence my confusion and concern!

Level 15

I’m not sure where you are seeing that because all I see is a 1/26 date on the release date page

edit - I see you said PA website - unfortunately there is a delay between the state being ready and Intuit being ready

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Clearly I missed the 1/26 date! But thank you so much for confirming for me and save me from losing my mind this evening!

Level 15

You betcha - I would hate to see anybody lose their mind this early in tax season 😁

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

For me it is too early anyway - I wait until late February to start business returns. Partnership just dropped off 1099-int form yesterday - it appears 1099 reporting forms are not early this year. Just wait a little bit.

Level 1

I am having the same problem.

0 Cheers
Level 15

But what problem?  The forms simply aren't out yet.

Slava Ukraini!