Level 1

Need to add a preparer to the 2022 software that has signed in the past but is not currently in this year or last years software.  Trying to see where I can find the PTIN?

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11
Level 15

Curious to know why the preparer doesn't know their PTIN ?    A very important number if you're preparing taxes professionally - hard to imagine they would forget.  

Level 1

It's a holiday and I'm trying to get the 990 wrapped up.  I'm sure they know their PTIN, I just don't know it and it didn't transfer over from last years program.  Thank you for your response.

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

@LN1 I just found that link today.. i looked for myself. My name came up but it did not show my PTIN.  I know it of course but was expecting the results to show my PTIN. 

Level 15

@Jim-from-Ohio I do not think they are allowed to publish our actual PIN numbers. It is suppose to be confidential, that is one of reasons that it replaced our social security number.

Level 8

Why don't you just open the prior year return and look at the PTIN number from there?