Level 4

How can I find out if Proseries is going to try to get approval for electronic filing for 2023 of the Maryland Fiduciary Return? I was supposed to have a conference with someone at Proseries - scheduled an appointment and that person never called me at the scheduled time. I would like to know before committing to the fiduciary package. Everyone else seems to have gotten on the bandwagon.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Intuit sold their tax bandwagon to raise money to help support its favorite children Turdddotaxxx and QB Online.  I think you are on a holding pattern for awhile.  Is it sometime in the fall when they announce all of their enhancements for the coming tax season?

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 4

They need to send MD the software approval now. Who can I speak to who can see if this can be done? It is no longer a cheap program and therefore expectations of forms increases. I am hoping someone will read this that can actually forward it to the correct department. I don't want to be embarrassed that I use Proseries as a professional. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

"I am hoping someone will read this that can actually forward it to the correct department."

Your hopes are about to be crushed because that never happens.  All you really can do is try calling support and see if someone there can connect you with someone that actually has that information.  The other route is to go to the top and contact the chief cheese of Intuit.

Executive Leadership Profiles | Intuit

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

Thanks - that was a great suggestion. I send the President a message. Wonderful idea.

Level 15

You betcha!

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers

IRonMan and DebiHCPA,

We appreciate the feedback and I can share that Proseries is intending to add electronic filing capability for MD Form 504 filings for the TY23 filing season.

I am sorry that previous attempts for information were not handled properly by members of Intuit.  Look for the official communication regarding the addition of this to Proseries sometime in the fall.  

Level 1

It is 16 January 2024 and no MD 504 fiduciary return is available in Proseries, even for review and printing.  I checked on the forms availability, and it isn't even listed.  Will Proseries be including MD 504, or do we have to go to the state website, download, and populate by paper, like we have to do with the DC fiduciary forms?

0 Cheers
Level 4

It is way too early for MD forms to be out. We have always had the 504. Hopefully this year it can be efiled. Put the return aside and work on something else. I would not be surprised if it didn't come until another 30 days.


I can confirm Proseries will be support the MD Form 504 for print and efile this year. You can review the link below for communicated release dates for products/forms.

Hope this is good news for users. 

Level 1

There is a problem with the MD504.  If there is an underpayment penalty, it does add the penalty to the payment voucher.  The instructions are correct and the return is correct but not the voucher.

0 Cheers


Thanks for pointing this out. I will get this addressed for the next release of the MD504.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

@IntuitMark304 You can do that?

The more I know the more I don’t know.


OK I have good news.  The update to the MD 504 product should be live for Proseries customers now.  The EL102B payment voucher should consider interest/penalties in the total.  Thanks for alerting us to this issue.  

Level 15

Impressive @IntuitMark304 

The more I know the more I don’t know.