Level 11

In 4 more days, it will be March 2,2023 and form 8915F is supposed to be ready for E filing. If that date gets here without intuit messing it up let's get together and party and I will bring the Fireball.

Level 15

Something tells me you will be pounding down the Fireball on March 2nd whether or not the form is ready.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

If the form is ready at least I will have an excuse.

Level 15

I'm guessing you really don't need an excuse 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

The instructions are still in draft at IRS, I wouldnt hold my breath that the form will be ready to go this week.

Level 11

I find it hard to believe that the instructions are still in draft at IRS. The situation with form 8915F is completely different in a sense from what we faced last year. Last year the IRS did not even have the form set up at all until late Feb. of early March therefore it was not in our system at all. This year it is in our system  and unlike last year it transferred  every thing needed from 2021 form 8915F to 8915F for 2022.

WE just can't Efile the cotton picken thing.

Level 15

I'm glad I didn't have any clients spread the payments or I might be hitting the Fireball with you at this point.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

can you find a final copy of the instructions on the IRS website?  All I see is this


0 Cheers
Level 11

We dont need the IRS instructions. The form is in Pro basic working the way it is suppose to except we cannot E File it. It has been in pro basic since the begginning of the tax season.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Intuit cant release or allow it to be EFiled until the form and instructions are finalized.

Level 11

Thank you for your response and answer.

At the risk of sounding like Lt. Dan in Forest Gump I have a feeling that this form is going to be ready on March 2nd.

But if you remember right Lt Dan was wrong most of the time.

So...it's now March 2, 2023 and I'm still getting the error message about 8915F-T after updating ProSeries. Any updates on when this will actually be updated?

Level 15
Level 15

Shows 3/9 now, but IRS still hasnt finalized the instructions, so that could change again.


Level 11

No Party

So if there is no party....what did you do with all the Fireball?🥃

Level 15

I'm pretty sure he won't let it go to waste 

Slava Ukraini!

You are so right!

It's finally fixed! Yay!!!

Level 11

Its Great. I just finished e filing the returns that I have been holding on to.

Level 15

Congratulations!!!!!  Time to break out the Fireball🔥

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Working hours right now. But boy am I going to have fun when my day is over.

Level 1

Are you guys on lacerte? I still have it saying that we don't have the instructions. It says instructions are still in draft.

0 Cheers
Level 11

The only thing I can tell you is on pro basic it is up and running.

0 Cheers

Don't forget to try updating again.

For ProSeries it's under Update -> Update Installed Products.

Hope this helps.

0 Cheers
Level 11

Do you have all of the taxreturns that were being held up because of 8915F E filed yet?

0 Cheers

I've sent e-sign requests, got them back, and everything. I haven't e-filed them yet, but we usually wait a day or two depending on the payment method.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Yeah we have tried that. No new updates. Still hoping we see it today. We have people constantly checking and want their returns done. We are being held up

0 Cheers
Level 2

I am still not seeing 8915F in Lacerte either.  It was released 2 days ago on March 9 - I've run Lacerte updates but still not there.  Shouldn't it be showing up in Screen 13.1?  I've got a Cx that spread disaster distribution repayments over 3 years starting in 2020 so this is the last one and it needs to be reflected in order to get the distribution amount carried forward cleared from his income.  Thanks for any help on this.

0 Cheers
Level 15

It is showing in my Lacerte.... I think  (I don't have a client that needs it)

I'm on version 43.0309 - Operator & Federal

F10 > Version ..... check what version you are on.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 1

It is still showing up in my diagnostics.  It will also not let me attach the form by PDF which is required!  This is getting old.

0 Cheers
Level 3

Does Intuit have any guidance for the 8915 information that DOESN'T carry over to the state?  Are we supposed to override the information onto the state (Iowa) 1040?

0 Cheers
Level 4

It's not fixed in ProConnect Tax Online. I still have a Critical Diagnostic today on March 20, 2023 for a 2022 Individual Tax Return:  "Federal Form 8915F (2020) is final, but the instructions are still in draft. If you file the return, there is the potential that calculations could change, and that you may need to file an amended return when the instructions are final."

0 Cheers
Level 2

I called Lacerte help and the whole situation with 8915F seemed to flummox them!  The diagnostic error code (#0) wasn't helpful for them.  During the session I tried backing out the last 1/3 of my client's CoVID19 disaster related repayment which was showing up on the 1040 in Line 5b as a taxable amount.  I backed out that taxable amount with a negative based on what they had repaid (the final 1/3 of the distribution they took from their IRA in 2020) and made a notation on the line with the negative amount that it was a "CoVID19 disaster distribution final repayment".  I then asked Lacerte Help how to clear the critical diagnostic and they didn't know - but said that it would not prevent from e-filing!  Lots of useful information there.  I do TurboTax for Intuit and 8915 is available in that application, but it sure got missed on Lacerte application this year.  So much for consistency across the applications and developers caring about the Lacerte app.  😞

0 Cheers
Level 2

I am getting this same error as of today in pro-connect.  Have you found a solution at this point?


Federal Form 8915F (2020) is final, but the instructions are still in draft. If you file the return, there is the potential that calculations could change, and that you may need to file an amended return when the instructions are final.


0 Cheers
Level 4


It's not really a solution if you don't want to ignore the Critical Diagnostic and file at your own risk of the instructions changing. If you want to do that then see the ProConnect Tax Discussion at https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/proconnect-tax-discussions/discussion/form-8915f-instruction... 

0 Cheers
Level 2

Form 8915F is still not finalized?! It is March 31st!

0 Cheers
Level 4

This is three years in a row the IRS can't get the form and instructions for distributions related to Coronavirus finalized before almost the end of the tax season. I'm not holding my breath this year for the Instructions to be finalized before April 18, 2023. Thank God this is the third year and we will not have to worry about this again next year.


Screenshot 2023-03-31 from IRS.gov.jpg

0 Cheers
Level 1

Send it in. It will go thru without the directions finalized.

0 Cheers
Level 4

@wendijaclene   Today is April 10th, 2023 and I am still getting the same critical diagnostic about instructions for Form 8915F being in draft form.     I don't think the instructions are actually in draft form anymore, but Lacerte still says they are.

Was just curious if you went ahead and e-filed or if you were still waiting for Lacerte to update?



Level 4

I don't believe Intuit will resolve this issue. They want us to just check the box to ignore the Critical Diagnostic so they don't have to fix it. Thank God this is the last year I have to use this form.

Screenshot 2023-04-10 Tax Form Availability.jpg




Level 4

Hi @nmms 

I think you are absolutely correct.  Intuit is not going to fix this.  I decided to review my form against the final IRS instructions for the 8915F to make sure it was good and then I went ahead and e-filed!


0 Cheers