Level 1

Can anyone explain this form?  What exactly is line 11, the General Property tax paid timely in 2022?  I was thinking that was the amount of property taxes paid in 2022.  If that is the case, line 12 is the amount of General property taxes paid timely in the base year.  The instructions say the base year would be 2021.  They you subtract line 12 from line 11, is this the amount you paid in 2022 less the amount you paid in 2021, this doesn't make sense?  

With this example can someone walk me through what goes on line 11 and then on line 12:  2022 property tax is paid in 2 installments Dec 2022 ($1500) and May 2023 ($1500), the 2021 property tax would be paid in Dec 2021 ($1350) and May 2022 ($1350).  

Thanks in advance, this just isn't making sense.  

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