Level 2

Are there "What If Worksheets in the Maryland Product for 2021..

Reference Form 502 Maryland Income Return

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Level 11

Nope.  I also do not use the Federal projection worksheets.  I save the existing client file as a new file putting PROJ in front of the name.  I then change the Client Status on the last line (Other) to PROJ and finally I uncheck the e-file boxes on the Federal Info Worksheet (so I don't get the duplicate SSN message in the e-file center).  I use this 2nd client file as my tax projection file.  It has all the data from last year, and I only change the items needed (like from this year's client paystubs, or changed Sch C, etc.).  If I'm aware of any law changes (like change in Std Deduction, or whatever I can force that onto the return.  Then the state return will recalculate based on the Federal projection and voila - I have a projection file I can update at any time.

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Level 8

I've tried the federal worksheets and do not find them useful or user friendly. maybe that is just me. I do the same thing - save another copy and add plan to the file name. client status other: plan only and uncheck efile boxes (if you don't then they stay in the efile pending tab)

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