Level 3

I understand that the rule in NYS is to pay your nanny with a W2.  I guess the taxpayer would have to get an EIN# and put the nanny's wages and payroll taxes on the Schedule C.  It just seems funny to me to have only that expense.  I would think the IRS would question it, even though it's legitimate.  Is there another way to deduct the W2 wages for the employer.  This couples combine W2's are between 6-7 figures.  They don't quality for any credit or deduction because of their income. Suggestions PLEASE!!!

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
It wouldnt go on Sch C, they're not self employed and nanny wages arent a deduction.

Theres child care credit for what they pay the nanny, but sounds like they dont qualify for that.

Level 15

The nanny's wages and payroll taxes go on Schedule H. Yes they need a Household Employer EIN and to issue a W-2. Plus state workmans comp and unemployment, etc.

There is no deduction for a nanny's wages. It is a personal expense. the only potential tax savings is the dependent care credit, but you noted they make too much money in 2021.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 3

Thank you...I assumed the Schedule H, but I think it's been 10 years since I used one.  I was also aware of the insurances.  Thank you for easing my mind.  I needed the correct direction