Level 1

I filed the original return in ProSeries.  I followed all of the steps for an amended return.  I completed the amended return Federal and New York.  when I try to e-file, I can't check the box to file the amended return.  There's an error message "Federal return not completed".  

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
are you using the original file for the amended? Don't use a copy.

Level 1

'll try that.  that's not what the instructions say to do, but makes sense. 

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15
I think the instructions confuse people. The copy you make of the original and give it a new different name is just a copy to keep for your records (I dont make a copy, its wrong I have no need for a computer copy of it, I have a print out, thats enough for me)...you dont use that copy as the amended, you use the original client file that you used for EFiling the original return and mark is as Amended and include the 1040X.

0 Cheers
Level 3

But I made a copy of it and now mine says "New York not completed". The Federal is fine. I am submitted a amended return for 2021.

0 Cheers