Level 3

It looks like Form 8915-F is to be used but not yet available. If I transfer my client after the Form becomes available will it be populated with the amounts of taxable income deferred in 2020? Thank you.

Level 3

I found this posted by proseries.  Evidently it will not carryover 2020 info from 8915-E.  A further issue is that there is no way to search thru the 2020 returns to find who this affects without opening each one.  Very frustrating.  I asked that a query be set up but evidently not enough accountants have shown interest in this.  


Currently the 8915-F is still in development and not yet available in ProSeries 2021. Once Form 8915-F is available carryover amounts will need to be manually entered from the 2020 8915-E. For the most up to date information on the 8915-F status see ProSeries Release Dates.

Level 11

In my opinion, it is the Professional Tax Preparer's responsibility to review prior information for any necessary carryforward information from prior years that is needed for proper preparation of the current return, not the tax preparation software's. Carryover information provided by software is a convenience, but should never be considered complete, comprehensive or accurate.

I don't believe that I would attempt to prepare a tax return without having the previous return by my side to compare to the current. Having the prior return to refer to should alert you to the need for the 8915-F to be completed when/if it becomes available.