Level 3

I am trying to enter the drivers license information for a dependent who files their own return.  ProSeries

will not let me enter info in drivers license area, but will let me enter in other ID area.  Thoughts?


0 Cheers
Level 1

You should scroll down to the bottom of the Identify Verification Worksheet, and you can choose which document used to verify Primary Taxpayer Identity. Hope that it helps!

0 Cheers
Level 3

I tried that, but it still won't let me enter it except in the "other identification" section.


0 Cheers
Level 15

You're not by chance trying to enter in Spouse section ?   I just tried entering info and mine worked fine - except if I tried entering in Spouse section instead of Taxpayer

0 Cheers
Level 3

No, I tried to enter into taxpayer section.  I've never had this happen before.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Try deleting the form - Ctrl + W - then entering info.   

Level 13

Unless you're in a state where it's required, I wouldn't spend a lot of time fighting with this.  Just check the "didn't provide ID" box and move on.  In VA they *might* delay processing and/or send a "send us your W-2s" letter but now we have an upload portal we can use to unclog the return if it does get stuck so even that is not horrible.