Level 2

You can file a NJ income tax return but you cannot print to either paper or PDF the return you just filed.  WHEN will this be fixed?

Level 5

It not just New Jersey.  ProSeries has fallen down on several states.  Here in Alabama we are now being told it will be an update on 2/17 but we have to "understand" this is not written in stone.  For the record, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

Level 8

Why would they allow you to efile the NJ return but not print the return?  Can you send the client the 8879? 

How difficult is it to program that logic?  Obviously, you want to be able to review the return with your client before you even consider efiling it.  Easiest way to do that, print it to pdf and share it with them securely.  Maybe I'm missing something and there truly is a reason the print capability has not been opened yet.  

Level 2

Intuit does not care that it is taking more of my time to get the job done!  They claim that NJ is not allowing the return to be printed YET I CAN EFILE IT!  It is Intuit that is not allowing even a PDF to be printed.  Your response is reasonable but we are dealing with a huge machine that spends more resources and time giving out badges and wanting to know "how we are doing (Intuit that is)"  than actually making my job easier.