Level 4

Oil and Gas K1 with Sec 59(e) disposition (K1, line 11 capital I).  Per the note (thank you Lacerte), this should be reported on the disposition screen and with a gain be on Part III, Form 4797 as a Sec 1254 gain.  Great - now if I could just get it there!   I have the input, I have Form 4797 and I checked the box for Sec 1254 property.  I also linked to the K1 it flowed from.  This is a final year K1.

The result is flowing to Form 4797 Part II vs. Part III.  Other than checking the box for Sec 1254 property on the Disposition screen 17 - no idea how to get it to part III with that section of property.  Searching community and help - cannot find. Help!

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