Level 1

After printing either K1s or Government copies to File (PDF), when you try to open the PDF it there's an error that says "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired." Work around is to select printer instead then Adobe PDF. Anyone else having this issue or a fix? Called support but it didn't help. 

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Level 15

Try the Lacerte Tool Hub

There are printer repair tools.

I did see something on this forum, that I can't find. There was something about Lacerte PDF 4.5 and 6.5 not playing nice together. If the repair tool doesn't work, call support again and ask for someone that knows about these two "pdf printers" and if one or both should be removed. 

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Level 1

I've uninstalled reinstalled, done web setup, used the "tool hub", repaired components, went into C:\Lacerte\24tax\2024.4.28.0 and ran the package to repair the 6.5 printer then ran the program as administrator. It's not just 1 computer, it's wide spread. Nobody can print a government return or K1 without a problem using File (PDF). I can't be the only one with this problem.

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Level 2

I called and have a ticket number and a case number 118762. I can't print to Smartvault at all. I get an error code -41.

I was told this is the 2nd day this is happening, and they are trying to find a solution. Blaming a Windows update conflicting with a Lacerte update.

I call BS. This crap can't happen on 2/10 during tax season.

FIX IT LACERTE. How do you reach higher up the **bleep** food chain? I felt terrible for the poor girl who took the support call, but they must fix this.

Level 15

??? just trying to help, this is a user supported site ??? 

One more keyword you through in was SmartVault which led me to


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Level 2

This doesn't work. I tried the repair tool multiple times, and even support says it doesn't work.

As I said, it's a two-day issue, and if the repair tool were the fix, support would have walked me through it over the phone.

Level 1

Yes I can't print a pdf from Lacerte to save my life. The workaround is to do a "microsoft print to pdf" but that doesn't allow me to hightlight, delete paragraphs from letters or delete SSN's from 8879's. Unacceptable Lacerte! When will this be resolved? The tool hub version is causing it. On my printer tab in the "disable" box is grayed out. I can't function like this.

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Level 15

There is the new "fix" maybe it will help


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