Level 2

I'm randomly having this error pop up on some of my client files when I back them up "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added."

This happens when I back the file up locally or in my shared drive (so I can access my files on another computer) it's feeling random, I can't figure out a common thread about why some clients have the error, and others don't. Sometimes the file will give me the error but still back up, but then I can't restore the file on my other machine. 

Anyone else getting this issue? After two+ hours on the phone with Lacerte we haven't found a solution. 

0 Cheers
Level 1

Yes, having the same issue.  It seems to be random. I've tried reinstalling and that didn't fix it.

0 Cheers
Level 2

It's a comfort to know it's not just me and it's also random for you! Now to get an update/solution sent to us from Lacerte!

0 Cheers
Level 15

What are you using for backup? Have you contacted them?

The more I know the more I don’t know.
0 Cheers
Level 2

As mentioned in my original post, I was on the phone with them for over 2 hours, we've backed up locally, remote, shared, external, sent them files, we tried it all.

0 Cheers
Level 15

You said on the phone with Lacerte. I meant whatever backup software you're using.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 2

I do not use an outside service, I use my computer, or an external hard drive. I have additional options, as previously mentioned, all failed. There is no one to call. I don’t use cloud type services.

0 Cheers
Level 15

I'd rethink that choice. A 3rd party backup is a good idea. Can't have too much redundancy.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
0 Cheers
Level 2

But Lacerte randomly won’t back up a client, an additional location for backing up isn’t the issue, Lacerte is.

0 Cheers
Level 15

"an additional location"

You mention locally or shared. Do you make a client backup into both places (concurrent), or keep specific clients only locally and others only in a shared location, or is one client sometimes backed up at both locations but one location is not updated when making an updated backup of your work for them? Sorry, I realize that's a bit hard to follow, but I am wondering about "conflicted copies" vs concurrency. Also, specifics of that share would be helpful, such as Server? Peer-to-peer? NAS?

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 2

All of the above. I've created new folders on my local computer with nothing in them=this issue

I've created new folders in my external hard drive=same issue

I've created new folders in my networked shared drive (my two computers at home as view it)=same issue. 

And again, it's semi random, can't find a thread between the clients that have this issue, and the clients that don't. All proforma'd at the same time. Sometimes a fresh proforma from 22 to 23 has resolved the issue, but it means I have to redo the return.

I'm not sure why we're so focused on the external backups when a local backup should always work, and the only common thing here is Lacerte. This is a Lacerte issue. Have you experienced this specific error?

0 Cheers
Level 15

"and the only common thing here is Lacerte. This is a Lacerte issue."

Yes, it indicates it is having a hard time tracking what you are doing.

"Have you experienced this specific error?"

Yes and no. There are pointers to where files are found. The reason you were asked about external backups, cloud storage, and if you were using a backup routine (outside of Lacerte, such as Carbonite, Mozy, Dropbox, a backup drive that has a built-in scheduler) is that these tools mirror, they don't backup, the files.

Everything I use/support that comes from Intuit has a backup function in the program and you don't want to use a mirror function when what you want is a backup function, unless you use the program to backup, and the mirror function to "save more than one copy of this somewhere else." You mentioned using Restore, so this helps identify you know to restore files, not just move them around and try to open them outside of Lacerte.

Just trying to think of what might be happening. The error you are getting describes a duplicate record for a file is being created, and Lacerte tries to track files uniquely, and that includes the location (full path). One reason I asked about server is the UNC path vs virtual letter has been known to be a problem with some backup vs mirror installations: "Short for Universal Naming Convention or Uniform Naming Convention, it is a PC format for specifying the location of resources on a local-area network (LAN). UNC uses the following format: \\server-name\shared-resource-pathname." That would be instead of, for example "My Z: drive is the share."

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 3

Have the same issue, and it is random.  Back up to flash drive and it works fine for several clients but get the System Argument error on one.  Spent hours with tech support today, apparently is a known bug but no ETA on getting a fix.  Their suggestion was to back up to new folder on desktop then copy paste to flash.  Does not work.  Client has sch D import with 300 entries, and over 100 of them were manually edited for wash sales, so do not want to lose this data (and I have been asking Lacerte for over a decade to add this function, but it falls on deaf ears).  

Just played around while on hold with tech support, and found that if I renumber the client file from xxx to xxxV2 it backs up just fine!  But then renumbering back it gets the error again.  This allows me to work on this file for now, but if you use REP or once you submit the efile you cannot renumber back to the original client number and retain the ack files.  So renumbering is only a temporary solution.

0 Cheers
Level 2

Getting this error message again, randomly when trying to backup..."An item with the same key has already been added"  Called Lacerte this morning person said "they are working on a fix which should be out March 22"  Honestly, that was way to quick a response and I have little faith it will be fixed.  Will report back.

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This is a known issue when attempting to back up to a flash drive, and is currently under investigation.

As a workaround: 

Avoid using the backup function in Lacerte. Instead, manually copy the data folder to the backup location. (IDATA, PDATA, CDATA, etc.)


View solution in original post

0 Cheers
Level 2

Alicia, thank you for all your time this morning on this issue,  appreciate your follow up here too. 

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