Level 2

In the 2022 version I'm getting an e-file diagnostic saying 'there must be a credit for child and dependent care expenses on Schedule 3 for efile purposes when a Form 2441 is present in the return.  This return must be filed on paper.'

The client used a dependent care account for $5,000 in child care expenses for their one child which I put in box 10 of the W-2.  I put the appropriate information into the 2441 screen.  There shouldn't be an additional child care credit so nothing on Schedule 3, line 2 is correct.  I don't understand why I can't e-file this return (and all the other ones like it). 

The client had the exact same situation for 2021 with nothing in Schedule 3, line 2 and I had no problem e-filing that. 

Level 1

I am getting the same diagnostic in a return. Hopefully Lacerte corrects this in a future update. When the time comes, I might try to efile it anyways with "efile error" disabled. 

0 Cheers
Level 4

I'm getting the same thing. I have a client that had $700 in W-2 box 10. They have no daycare expenses and it gives me the same diagnostic.

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Level 4

Harper, let me know what happens if you try to e-file before it gets fixed.

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Level 1

I am receiving the same error..

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Level 1

I am getting the same diagnostic and when I try to efile, it gets to the validation screen and says "Error: Diagnostics" and wont let me click the "Send e-file Returns Now" button. I saw a comment somewhere else saying that they were able to efile and it was accepted even with the error. Not sure how you got past the part I am at.

Has anyone talked with Lacerte on this issue?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there. Is there a code or number on this diagnostic? A screenshot of your screens would be helpful as well! 
How to use the snippet tool on Windows. 
Thanks for the info! 

0 Cheers
Level 4

I'll leave the screen shot to someone else. The error code reads as follows:

"e-file: There must be a credit for child and dependent care expenses on schedule 3 for e-file purposes when a form 2441 is present in the return. This return must be filed on paper. (ref. #58266)


0 Cheers
Level 2

I called Lacerte about it, but they couldn't really help me because there was no way to get rid of the diagnostic without changing the return to make it incorrect.  I think there is a way to e-file by disabling the error, but I don't know how.  I'm not able to finish this particular return because I'm waiting on some 1099s so haven't looked into it.  I just wanted to figure this out before I got really busy.

0 Cheers
Level 1

I have the same diagnostic ref# 58226

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for the tag. 
Hold off on these returns if you can, we'll get more information on this new diag soon. 

Level 1

Hi there, I am getting the same diagnostic error - any updates on this?

0 Cheers
Level 2

"There must be a credit for child and dependent care expenses on schedule 3 for e-file purposes when a form 2441 is present in the return. This return must be filed on paper. (ref. #58266)"

0 Cheers
Level 1

Any updates on this please?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

There will be an update in Tuesday's release that will remove diagnostic ref. #58266
If you're needing to e-file before then, you'll be able to bypass the diagnostic. Thanks! 

Level 1

I still have the critical for REF#58226.  Was this issue not resolved?

0 Cheers
Intuit Alumni

@IntuitGabi hey! can we get clarification for @KAMEYER and @PaulE1?

0 Cheers
Level 15

@Intuitjhaze  ProConnect, which Paul said he uses, is the redheaded stepchild of the Intuit Professional tax software family. It gets the least attention around here.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 1

I am using the Lacerte program

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Intuit Alumni

@sjrcpa Newbie oversight on my part! Thanks for pointing that out. I'll move Paul's post to the appropriate forum.

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Level 15

Even better if you could get that program some love.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Community Manager
Community Manager

@sjrcpa @Intuitjhaze 
Luckily all three product teams are on the same page with removing this error. 
The timing might differ between them but let's hope for this week. 

There's been a report that ProConnect is no longer seeing it 
Waiting on confirmation from ProSeries and Lacerte. 

Thanks all! 

My error from Lacerte disappeared yesterday.

Level 4

My error was cleared up on 2/8/22 as well

Level 1

I will try mine again.


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Level 1
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