Level 15

"My client isn't whining; he just asked a simple yes or no question on whether he was eligible."

I just reread what you put, so it isn't clear if that is your remarks or his: "Why does this man get left out? The stimulus program leaves him out as if he did not exist. He has voted for the last 20 years, he is a US citizen."

Perhaps you can see why it appears to be whining: Voting has nothing to do with this and being a Citizen doesn't change the facts for eligibility. Neither of these is in the code for 2020 or 2021. That's a bunch of stuff brought into the discussion only for what, sympathy? Ire?

And this is exactly what I stated; everyone wants to call it something convenient to their condition: "A stimulus payment not only helps the situation for a recipient,"

Because the IRS and Treasure called the first round Economic Impacts and Recovery. But "stimulus" carries more sympathy.

"whether impacted by the pandemic or not, but it also helps the economy when spent, particularly when spent at local small businesses."

Sure, that's another argument for handing out money to everyone. Just ask Andrew Yang; I still have one of his $1,000 bills on the fridge.

"I appreciate the information given in your response, but not your slurs to a disabled person, totally unnecessary and inappropriate."

Which is not any part of what I stated.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
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