Level 2

In 25+ years of working with Lacerte I find it incredible that (1) I have not been able to get a bank account for payments updated.  I try every single year and your website will not allow me to add one, delete, change one.  So, you wait for snail mail in payment because I refuse to give you my credit card number (2) so again, right now, I am on the phone sitting on hold as I do about 4 times each year hoping to finally get a live person who can do this VERY SIMPLE task.  If I reach someone, they cannot help nor fix on their end.  I've had my fill of rude Lacerte phone help who accomplish absolutely nothing.

I find it incredible that a company that SELLS its ability to process payments for others cannot get their own system updated to correct/add/edit a bank account.  This is beyond stupid as I'm trying to PAY YOU.

So, just now, from a link in an email for an REP statement, it took me directly to a payment screen.  I saw that it offered me "new account" when selecting payment option by bank transfer.  A eureka moment turned to dust though as I added it, it didn't process, log out, log back in, look to see if it has processed the add of a new account.....only to find that it has added a new account but the account number is the old one that is already there.

If ANYONE knows SOMEONE/ANYONE at Lacerte that cares to get this problem fixed or even a phone number for a live person that doesn't require I sit on hold until February, it would be greatly appreciated.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

So you are willing to give them your bank account info, but not your credit card?  I would much rather fight with them after they have maxxed out my credit card instead of fighting with them because they cleaned out my checking account.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

Most certainly.  My bank is not a big anonymous one but a small local bank.  I know they will protect me when I can get face to face with them.  I've been on their advisory board.  The ability to have a big credit card company reverse a charge is much less sure.  In October I had an instance of an order never arriving, the company went underground and Citibank investigated and allowed the charge.  Not a lot of recourse there.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Doesn't that small local bank have its own branded credit card? 

If no, maybe you could advise them to.

Considering all this aggravation, I'd give them my credit card number, too. I'm with Jeff.

We are just users of the software and cannot help.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 2

Yes, the bank does but they don't offer airline miles.  I know this is a user forum but I was hoping that (1) perhaps someone here had a solution they had found for themselves they could share or (2) someone at Lacerte actually had a look in ocassionally.  I have posted about this same issue for a couple of years in other Lacerte forum type groups and the number of people with the exact same issue told me it was systemic and Lacerte doesn't care.

0 Cheers