Level 3

I used Right Networks about a year ago and it was a hot mess in the middle of tax season - extremely frustrating when things need to go smoothly.  I decided to try it again and signed up for Right NEtworks.  I was supposed to have an "onboarding" session where they would install my software and move my previous years' software.  They called me an hour before my session was supposed to start.  I got put on hold for over an hour while they supposedly set up my account.  Of course, this time of year I have a 101 things I need to do and don't have time for their inefficiency.  During this hold session, I got cut off and got a busy signal.  They did not call me back and I do not have a number to call them.  Yet they have already billed me and charged me.  Lacerte needs to get their act together - especially if they are going to promote a third party that is inept.