Level 15

I would suggest that you review the 2019 returns, especially for accuracy in depreciation and state returns. If everything matches up, go to Screen 3 and go down to the last entry before Organizer Miscellaneous and remove the check mark for Converted client (proforma use only). This will allow more data to proforma to 2020. 

I would NOT proforma to 2020 yet. I expect at least one more update to 2019 before organizers and proforma will be good. I don't proforma until we are ready to really have client contacts. Lacerte does not do forms based on last year. If IRS has not yet released at least a proof version of a 2020 form, you won't see it in forms view. The computation will be there and are typically right on, but the form won't be there. 

Once the form is there, use a RIGHT CLICK on the line or box  you want to input and select "Jump to Input". If you need a zero to be input, what you use is a negative one (-1). F1 in input fields is very helpful. 

Also correct your spell check. Lacerte is a family name and does not have that French influence. At least you didn't get lacerate. 

Have a great season. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!