Level 3

I know only a handful of states offer amended tax return e-file compatibility.  I was just curious if anyone knew what the consensus among the other states was regarding adoption of this process?  Are other states moving to accept amended e-filed returns quickly? 

Most of my clients are in a state that does not offer amended return e-file, so the federal amended e-file is only of limited help for me (sure the e-file is nice, but it bifurcates my filing process and confuses the client a bit).  Once more states add this, I can see the real value here.

0 Cheers
Level 15

I don't know.

I was an early adopter of efiling. At the time hardly any state returns could be efiled. I persevered.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

From: https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/lacerte-tax-news-updates/discussion/what-s-new-in-lacerte-ta...

"New e-file capabilities boost your efficiency

New e-file is now available for the following:

  • Returns
    • Indiana Corporate
    • Kentucky Individual, Single Member LLC
    • Rhode Island Fiduciary
  • Extensions
    • Virginia Individual
  • Estimates
    • Alaska Corporate and S-Corporation
    • Arkansas Individual, Corporate, S-Corporation, and Fiduciary
    • Colorado Individual
    • District of Columbia Individual, Corporate, S-Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary
    • Kansas Corporate
    • Kentucky Individual
    • Nebraska Individual, Corporate, S-Corporation, and Partnership
    • North Carolina Individual & Corporate
    • North Dakota Individual, Corporate, and Fiduciary
    • Ohio Individual
    • Oklahoma Individual, Corporate, S-Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary
    • Oregon Individual
    • Vermont Individual
  • Amended returns
    • Indiana Corporate, S-Corporation, and Partnership
    • Maryland Individual
    • Massachusetts Individual
    • New Mexico Corporate
    • Ohio Individual
    • Pennsylvania Individual"
Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 3

Are you replying to the right post?  I don't think any of the information you presented applies to my original post.

Help me out here.  What am I missing?

0 Cheers
Level 15

"Help me out here. What am I missing?"

I thought you were missing State info for efiling amended returns.

"Are you replying to the right post?"

You are a Lacerte user, right? That link is to the Lacerte topic for which States Lacerte allows for efiling new for 2020.

You specifically titled this topic as: "I know only a handful of states offer amended tax return e-file compatibility."

In addition to what is listed for 2019, here:


You see 6 more have been added for 2020 (in addition to CA, GA, NJ, NY, NY city, VA and WI = 6 states as of 2019), because I posted it here. That makes 12.

"Are other states moving to accept amended e-filed returns quickly?"

As a Lacerte user, you would first need Lacerte to manage the action of handing off your transmissions. That's why, at least to me, the list regarding what Lacerte manages would be the place to start.

"Most of my clients are in a state that does not offer amended return e-file"

We can help you with the resources for the software in use, which is the function that you would be using to do what you asked. Or, did you want to know All States that allow for efiling amended returns, even if Lacerte doesn't provide for it?

You further asked: "I was just curious if anyone knew what the consensus among the other states was regarding adoption of this process"

You just asked Peer Users, who would likely not be in the know for what each of these other States' DOR is planning. Did you need 38 more answers?

And of course, there is a differentiation between individual, corporate, etc. That's a pretty big matrix to research.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

"I know only a handful of states offer amended tax return e-file compatibility"

Well, I did more research for you, as you asked.

Other Software handles more than a handful:



Those were my first two web search results.

Hope that helps.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 3

I clearly asked in my OP if anyone knew what the consensus was among other states regarding amended return e-filing.  Your copy and paste response didn't address that at all.  Hence, my question.  

I can research (and have researched) what Lacerte offers for e-file options.  I reached out to see if anyone had an idea as to how quickly this would be implemented.  Those people do exist, maybe even at Lacerte itself.  I just don't see how your response, informing me of software features I already knew, was helpful at all.  Your second response was even less so.  

I'll reiterate again, for the benefit of those who may be able to help, that I'm looking for an answer from someone who may know what the pulse is regarding adoption/implementation of this feature.  Any useful, pertinent information would be appreciated.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

She did answer your question.  She provided a list from other software companies that allow e-filing of amended returns for various states.  That should give a rough idea of what is available out there.  If that isn't helpful enough for you, than you might want to call each state's revenue department to see what their status is.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Or, I guess I could post a question on a tax professional discussion board asking if anyone already knows what the consensus is, so I don't have to do this myself?

What is it with you "Level 15"s?  Do you not know the purpose of this discussion board?  The original response was not helpful at all.  It didn't answer my question.  It's as if you want to provide an answer to the question you want me to ask (not the question I actually asked), instead of just not responding and letting someone else who may know respond.  

Thanks for torpedoing my OP. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

"Do you not know the purpose of this discussion board?"

I think we kinda know what the purpose is since we have been here for a bit longer than you.  The purpose is for folks to take time out of their day to try and help folks that want help.  Some folks appreciate it when someone tries to help them and others evidently think we are playing a game of Battleship.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

So, in your opinion, I should have just "done my own research" and not asked if anyone knew what the tenor of the states was regarding amended return e-file?  Or, I guess your position is I should have accepted the original non-answer, cut and paste response, which provided absolutely no valuable input as to what I was actually asking (I knew what Lacerte currently offers, hence my original question).

Got it.  Thanks for helping.  I'm so much better off for it.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

You received a reasonable answer, even though you were evidently expecting someone to drop by your office and personally explain it to you.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

"You received a reasonable answer" - No, I did not, and still haven't.

"You were evidently expecting someone to drop by your office and personally explain it to you." - No, not at all.  I was just wondering if there was anyone on this board who knew what the tenor was for Lacerte offering more state amended e-file in the future/how quickly this might happen.

None of you "helpful" people have done anything like this.  

Please, don't bother offering me any more of your "help".  I clearly don't need it.  Anything you have to offer I can just Google or pull from Lacerte myself.  

0 Cheers
Level 3

"Help me out here. What am I missing?"

I thought you were missing State info for efiling amended returns.

- No, I'm not.  I knew what Lacerte currently offers.  Nothing in my OP asks for Lacerte's current slate of e-file offerings.

"Are you replying to the right post?"

You are a Lacerte user, right? That link is to the Lacerte topic for which States Lacerte allows for efiling new for 2020.

 - I didn't ask for Lacerte's 2020 e-filing capabilities.  I asked for something much different.  You could understand my confusion regarding your response, given that your response had nothing to do with my question, and most of your response had nothing to do with amended returns at all.

You specifically titled this topic as: "I know only a handful of states offer amended tax return e-file compatibility."

In addition to what is listed for 2019, here:


You see 6 more have been added for 2020 (in addition to CA, GA, NJ, NY, NY city, VA and WI = 6 states as of 2019), because I posted it here. That makes 12.

 - Great.  Still, this has nothing to do with my question.  I already knew Lacerte offered 12 states for amended e-file. My question has nothing to do with these 12 states.

"Are other states moving to accept amended e-filed returns quickly?"

As a Lacerte user, you would first need Lacerte to manage the action of handing off your transmissions. That's why, at least to me, the list regarding what Lacerte manages would be the place to start.

 - Again, I was aware of the current list.  My question wasn't about the current list, and I explicitly stated this in the question.

"Most of my clients are in a state that does not offer amended return e-file"

We can help you with the resources for the software in use, which is the function that you would be using to do what you asked. Or, did you want to know All States that allow for efiling amended returns, even if Lacerte doesn't provide for it?

 - I couldn't care less what other software does, really.  I posted on an Intuit discussion board, asking for Lacerte specifically.  Thanks for the snark, though.

You further asked: "I was just curious if anyone knew what the consensus among the other states was regarding adoption of this process"

You just asked Peer Users, who would likely not be in the know for what each of these other States' DOR is planning. Did you need 38 more answers?

And of course, there is a differentiation between individual, corporate, etc. That's a pretty big matrix to research.

 - I didn't ask you to do any of this.  I asked if someone was on here who already knew what was going on.  Such people exist.  You clearly aren't one of them, which is fine.  What I don't understand is why you're responding to my post berating me for asking a simple question and providing a dump of information that I already have access to via Lacerte and expecting that to qualify as an answer.

0 Cheers
Level 15

"Or, I guess I could post a question on a tax professional discussion board asking if anyone already knows what the consensus is, so I don't have to do this myself?"

You asked on a software forum, you asked Peer users, for Lacerte.

You might find a Dept of Revenue Association community that has all State DOR participants, and ask them. After all, you don't seem to understand that you have been given the info you seek:

Which states accept which forms as amended and efiling, but the software provider has to provide the forms and access to do it. So, asking "will other states participate" is a meaningless question, because we already proved it's more than "a handful."

If you would like me to do your personal research, all you have to do is hire me.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 3

To be clear, I didn't ask anyone to do any research of any kind.  But thanks anyway.

0 Cheers
Level 3

How much do you think I should pay someone who clearly has no information that I'm seeking?  Just curious.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Well, so far, you're getting everything free. So, I would stop complaining. It isn't clear why a Software users' community should be expected to help you identify each State's current status or planning. It's like asking us to census your town to see who might be planning on getting a pet. Honestly, you need to examine your question a bit closer from the perspective of the Requirements to give you answers. That's why you should get them yourself. Heck, why not be the Contributor that puts that info out here?

Here is the Federation of Tax Administrators:


And if you want something neutral and not related to the specific prep software, try this:


Because I am worth every penny my clients pay me, when I work for them. But it's okay: I'm not accepting new clients at this time.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 3

Heaven forbid if someone ask their peer group if they know how quickly Lacerte will add state e-file/what the pulse is on this topic.  I mean, it would be a shame if there was actually someone helpful on this board who knew this and could provide the answer.   

That's the point of this board, right?  I mean, if we're all just going to do our own research on everything, this board serves no purpose.

0 Cheers
Level 15

This is not what you asked: "if they know how quickly Lacerte will add state e-file/what the pulse is on this topic."

You asked it like this: "I was just curious if anyone knew what the consensus among the other states was regarding adoption of this process?"

We like to copy the text here, in case someone makes a revision, later.

I pointed this out from the beginning; you asked about States' consensus and I stated the Program would first need to support it, and I provided the link that other programs support more states.

You further included this: "Once more states add this, I can see the real value here."

The perspective from the States is what you asked, which is what I was answering.

This is not Programming Support nor Tech Support, and no one here would be "in the know" to reveal what Intuit is planning. Which isn't what you asked.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

"I mean, if we're all just going to do our own research on everything, this board serves no purpose."

This board isn't meant to replace your own research.  This isn't the "Lazy Man's Tax Research Center".  It is here to help folks when they hit a roadblock in trying to figure something out.  

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15


"What is it with you "Level 15"s?"

Yeah! It's like you're trying to be Helpful here! What the heck...??? 🙂

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

Anything you have to offer I can just Google or pull from Lacerte myself.  

Yep, you can.

That's sorta the point.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

How much do you think I should pay someone who clearly has no information that I'm seeking?  Just curious.

Brings to mind that saying of "you get what you pay for".

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

I was just curious if anyone knew what the consensus among the other states was regarding adoption of this process?

OK - I'll provide a concise answer....  NOPE, no clue.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

I suppose I should document the Title here, as well:

"State adoption of amended return e-filing"

Because it is a concise phrase that shows the original question has nothing to do with Lacerte's Adoption of State amendments as e-filed. Don't you just hate it when words matter?

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers