User FIDO 61
Level 8

Even double-sided I can't believe Organizers fit into a standard window envelope, well done sir! 👏

We overburden even using Condensed Organizer pages. And pages created outside Lacerte - Engagement Letter, IRA Minimum Distribution, and the "Welcome to the Season" letter pleading for, at a minimum, answers to the Miscellaneous Yes or No questions (which have always been/are complete [bleep!]  😠 to customize.)

Many seem to use it as a Security Blanket. Half or more don't fill it in. But same will anxiously call if it doesn't hit their mailbox when they believe it should (we aim for early January.)

Just pure gold here 🤣 "only take on new clients if they promise to die before I do"-- @George4Tacks 

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪