Level 1

Help me, please ....  A Windows update blew up my "main" computer so I had to switch out towers.

The new computer doesn't have all my special bookmarks; I can't log into this place with my old name of abctax55.  

The only option was to create a new moniker.

@IntuitAustin , @IntuitAlicia, @intuit ?????   that could maybe help me out.  

I don't want to lose my stellar (!) record of yes votes


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi abctax, 

I sent you a private message to help get this sorted out.


Betty Jo 

0 Cheers
Level 15

Your new avatar is even worse than mine.   😁

Level 1

Bill.... I thought about changing it, but why waste the time?  I don't intend to use this log in unless I need to 🙂

And actually, that avatar is rather representative of how I'm feeling these day 🙄

Level 15

Sorry to hear you are having computer trouble.  Hope you have it taken care of soon.  Is the smoke still bad where you are?  Please take care.

Still an AllStar
Level 15
  • Ok, maybe you are or maybe you aren’t who you say you are.  This is the internet, and anybody can pretend to be someone else.  Just to be safe, I would like you to give the correct answer to the following questions;

1.  The biggest and most popular event ever held here was hosted by:

  a. Intuit

  b. The Trump Inauguration Committee  

  c.  Trolls


2.  What was Chuck Warman’s number one enhancement request:

  a.  Make Texas have a state individual        
income tax

  b.  Toggle switch

  c.  Institute a grammar police force on the forum


Who is your favorite contributor to the forum:

  a.  IRonMaN

(maybe that one was too easy)

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

1) trolls

2) toggle switch

3 (altho you forgot to number it...)   -  I'll have to take the 5th on that one; too many folks I don't want to offend.  I will say you are in the top five tho.

Obviously, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkk.  No real clue how/why.

And I found it hysterical how many badges *formerabctax55* earned in seconds, as well as how EASY it is to just create a new log-in.

It's not that the barn door is open, there ISN'T even a door !

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

Welcome back 😀

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15


My IT guy suggested, years ago, that I keep an inexpensive tower around just in case.  I always do; it's named *Murphy*  (for Murphy's Law).   Switching them out isn't a big deal, except for the occasional bookmarked/password *remembered* on the old one that isn't on the new one.

Smoke as cleared, thankfully, due to wind.  Unfortunately, wind with fires still burning plus a red flag warning presents other concerns.  

To Go bags, along with Juno's dog food & treats, are packed just in case.  And a complete backup of data is always with me.  No, nope, not me.... I'm not paranoid /S


HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15


You like me, you really LIKE me (who am I channeling - no googling)

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

"who am I channeling"


The Flying Nun.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

Good to see that you found your old self back! 😂

Yes, Murphy can be a friend or a foe, depending on how you look at it.

And a complete backup of data is always with me.  No, nope, not me.... I'm not paranoid /S

I do too and have it fully encrypted but I accepted long ago that this kind of behavior is just pure paranoia.  Who are you trying to kid? /S 😛

Touch wood, you won't ever have to use the To Go bag.  But as MasterCard would have it, having the peace of mind in case you ever need it is priceless.

Still an AllStar
Level 15

"...and have it fully encrypted but I accepted long ago that this kind of behavior is just pure paranoia."

I resemble that remark.  🤣

HumanKind... Be Both