Level 15

@Ember123 wrote:

Not getting clear direction but I surmise:

1. Sale of rental property gain deferred into a QOZ cannot be entered in the related depreciation screen (Screen 22). The sale must instead be reported in the screen for dispositions (Screen 17). Is this correct? Yes, there is a section right above the Form 4797 area.


2. Gain passed through from S corp (screen 20). I haven't figured out a way yet to get this deferral reported on Form 4797, or Form 8949.  A clear answer here would be really great. I am unsure, but my guess is that you would enter it as a separate entry in Screen 17 with "From K-1" or a description you would get from the K-1. This would then be just like the first answer.

Maybe @IntuitBettyJo could get some resolution and maybe a help article for dealing with these two issues. 


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!