Level 2

My problem was that The NJ Schedule C reflected the additional 50% of meals and entertainment that was fully deductible on Schedule K.  This caused my net income per books to be incorrect.

I went to Screen 31.1  - Expenses recorded on books not included on Schedule K.  Under Other - Other - Control E  - I placed a Zero in the Federal Column and a Negative figure equal to the NJ Entertainment adjustment made by Lacerte.  Place "NJ" in the State Column.  This made the NJ adjustment on Sch C disappear.

I also made a small Depreciation adjustment on this screen equal to the depreciation adjustment reflected on Schedule K.  So at the end, my Net income per books on Schedule C agrees with the Federal M-1 and NJ Sch C Line 8 agrees with NJ Sch K Line 8.






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