

You can actually find the Series codes on the input sheets more easily than the input screen. Although there is a way to turn it on in the program which I'll also explain.

I've attached the input sheets for the 1040 module to this reply, but you can print out just the ones you need or for other modules following these steps:

To print out all of the series and codes used for GL Bridge:

  • Go to Print > Input Sheets
  • Click on the Blank input sheets tab
  • If you want all of the input sheets at once, check the box next to US which should check all the pages for the module (but not state-specific). 
  • Print that (I recommend PDF!) 
  • Check out the bottom left of each page, just outside the border. For example on input sheet 3, you'll see Series: 5100 in the bottom left. (Pages 1 and 2 do not have a Series, as those use special codes you can find in the GL Bridge SDK documentation) 
  • The Tax Codes for a particular Series are the numbers in the 2nd column of the input sheets. (For example, Series 5100, the code for Designee's Name is 61.) The Codes are the same you would use in Batch Mode (Ctrl+W while in detail input)

To turn on an in-product display of the series, you need to launch the program with a special command-line parameter. You can either do this by editing the shortcut or by launching it from Start > Run. The parameter is /ShowSeries. For example: C:\lacerte\18tax\w18tax.exe /showseries

After launching the program, open any client and go into the detail screen (not 1 or 2) you wish to learn the Series of. Look very closely at the blue bar that divides the top of the detail input area from the grey navigation drop down menus and you'll see small text that says Series=5100. 

You can also display the Tax Codes in-product by right-clicking the dark grey bar above that navigation drop down area but below the Clients/Detail/Forms tabs, and choose Show Codes, and the codes will appear in the detail input fields. Alternately, you can input amounts where you want them, then switch to batch mode (Ctrl+W) and you will see the codes and amounts.

@George4Tacks is right about technical support though, our phone agents do not have any further information about the GL Bridge function as it typically is used by programmers and software developers, not end-users. I've been the main point of contact for GL Bridge developers for a few years so let me know if you have any other questions.