Guidance on credit for sequestration of carbon oxide
Guidance on credit for sequestration of carbon oxide Vertical

Guidance on credit for sequestration of carbon oxide

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The IRS recently issued Notice 2024-60 to provide initial guidance on the credit for the sequestration of carbon oxide. This credit was amended significantly by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

The notice provided describes information that must be included in a written report, known as the lifecycle analysis (LCA) report, and provides the procedures a taxpayer must follow to submit the report along with required supporting information to the IRS and the Department of Energy for review.

Before any credit is determined, the IRS must approve the lifecycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions documented in the LCA report with respect to carbon capture property placed in service on or after Feb. 18, 2018.

Accordingly, the IRS must approve the taxpayer’s LCA before the taxpayer may claim the utilization of carbon oxide credit.

More information may be found on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 page on

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